Below are all the registered professional turners who offer a demonstration service, ordered by the most recently updated member first. Click their photo or their name to view the complete details, or use the ‘Show Bio’ or ‘Show Map’ links for a quick view.
Ed Oliver
Olivers Woodturning
Work Little Singleton Oast Kent Great Chart TN26 1JS England
Home Phone: 07768881119
Work Email: rq@rqbyvire.pb.hx
Work Email: rq@byvirefjbbqgheavat.pb.hx
Web: Olivers Woodturning
Web: Ed Oliver Woodturner
No Image Available
- Coffee Shop
- Lunch
- Off Street Parking
- Refreshments
- Timber Supplied
- Toilets
- Tools Supplied
Little Singleton Oast Great Chart TN26 1JS England