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Work Sunnyside Cottage 37 Staverton Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 6PB Home Phone: 01225 782030 Mobile: 07836 766326 Web:

Leslie Norton

Work Wramplingham House WYMONDHAM Norfolk NR18 0RL Work Phone: 01603 759797
Updated 9 months ago.

Chris Parker

The baldwoodturner
Work 24 Wade Brook rd Ulnes Walton Leyland Lancashire United Kingdom Mobile: 07723097271

Dennis wake

owner/tutor woodturninghartlepool
Work unit43 Hartlepool enterprise c United Kingdom Hartlepool CLEVELAND ts248ey United Kingdom Mobile: 07707700338 Web:
Work 4 Rutland Ave. West Yorkshire Pontefract WF8 3RD United Kingdom Mobile: 07802335487

Pete Moncrieff-Jury

RETIRED Kennet & Avon Woodturning Club
Work Studio Flat Brook House The Common Bromham Wiltshire SN15 2JJ United KIngdom Home Phone: 07899888195 Web: Bodrighy Wood
Updated 9 months ago.
Work 4 Grassfield Way Knutsford Cheshire Cheshire WA169AF United Kingdom Mobile: 07799176647 Home Phone: 01565651681
Work Claremont, Beavor Lane Axminster Devon EX13 5EQ United Kingdom Home Phone: 01297631948 Web: Jason Breach
Work 4 Westgate Close Basingstoke Hampshire UK Mobile: 07902242464 Home Phone: 01256325621

John Gerrard

Turlundie Woodturnings
Work Turlundie Cottage Church Street New Pitsligo Fraserburgh Aberdeenshire Fraserburgh AB43 6NP Mobile: 07770413090 Web: Turlundie Woodturnings
Updated 10 months ago.