Demonstration Feedback

If you have recently seen a woodturning demonstration presented by one of our members, your feedback and review of the experience will be helpful to both the member and the RPT to ensure continued quality in the standards of our service.


Please allocate a score from 1 to 10 for each of the aspects listed below. With 10 Being ‘Excellent’ and 1 being ‘Poor’
1: Poor – 10: Excellent
1: Poor – 10: Excellent
1: Poor – 10: Excellent
1: Poor – 10: Excellent
1: Poor – 10: Excellent
1: Poor – 10: Excellent
1: Poor – 10: Excellent
*** Please note Questions 8-10 will only appear for online remote demonstrations ***

Thinking Ahead

1: Unlikely – 10: Highly Likely
1: Unlikely – 10: Highly Likely
1: Unlikely – 10: Highly Likely

Your Review

In the box below, please enter your own thoughts on the demonstration. Please include your general feelings about the session and any other information that may be relevant to any of the aspects detailed above.