Stewart Furini » Find a Turner

Stewart Furini » Find a Turner

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Stewart Furini

Stewart Furini Woodturning
Mobile: 07504357465 Web: Stewart Furini Woodturning


Photo of Stewart Furini

I started woodturning about fifteen years ago as a hobby. In 2017 I started selling my work and creating YouTube videos on ways to embellish woodturning. This led to demonstrating at woodturning clubs and then national events, followed by international events in Sweden, Austria, Ireland, Spain and Greece. Alongside in-person demos, I have also demonstrated via Zoom for clubs in the UK, Australia and the USA. In 2025 I will be demonstrating at the AAW Symposium in St Paul, Minnesota. As well as demonstrating I offer courses on colouring and texturing. I run one-to-one courses at my Brighton workshop and also offer courses for up to four students at a time at Hope Woodturning in Essex. I am an AWGB Approved Tutor and run turning lessons for beginner turners. I am available for club demonstrations both in-person and remotely via Zoom from my workshop studio.


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  • Timber Supplied
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Updated 1 month ago.