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Neil Lawton
I started turning in 2003 after taking a job as a school Design and Technology Technician. There was a woodturning lathe in one of the workshops that laid idle most of the time, but it fascinated me. It appeared that its lack of use was down to a shortfall in the understanding of the various tools and the sharpening of them.
I booked myself on a two day woodturning course at John Boddy’s timber in Boroughbridge and bought my first lathe on the very next pay day.
In my time at the school it became apparent that teaching came naturally to me and there was a great demand for me to be booked into lessons to give demonstrations in both turning and woodwork.
I left the school at the end of 2016 and set about equipping a purpose built workshop at my home in York.
I applied for, and was accepted onto the Register of Professional Turners in 2017
Open by Appointment Only
- Lunch
- Refreshments
- Timber Supplied
- Toilets
- Tools Supplied
19, Friars Walk Muncastergate York England YO31 9AD United Kingdom