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Brian Hannam
I took up woodturning in the 1980’s as a hobby to keep me sane while I had a job in electronics that had become less enjoyable and more stressful than I needed. At that time woodturning was a niche hobby with little contact between workers. There was limited tool and equipment availability, and little printed guidance (no internet in those days!). Consequently I was largely self-taught, which wasn’t a problem as I had an enquiring, and questioning, scientific/engineering education behind me. I was the lead figure in creating the local hobbyist woodturning group, ” The Hampshire Woodturners Association”. After a few years I was able to leave industry and set myself up as a full-time woodturner, and was accepted into the Register of the Worshipful Company of Turners in 1994. After a few years I was invited to be an Assessor to check individuals applying for membership of the Register. I worked in my own studio in a local craft centre for 20+ years . I did not specialise but made items to order as well as speculative work for sale in my shop in the craft centre. I left the craft centre a few years ago and am now ‘retired’. However, I do still have my equipment and happily work from home to clients’ requirements. Most of my regular clients are in the up-market antique restoration field, but I am happy to make anything anybody wants made to a high quality.
4 Westgate Close Basingstoke Hampshire UK